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Move 3:


Nature vs Nurture

“These perfectly designed bodies now have an almost insurmountable advantage.

Unless they are sick or injured or fall down, basic physics suggests they simply won’t be beaten...” and while the evidence supporting this idea that body type and nature is what separates a “golden” athlete from a comparable athlete is substantial, the fact that nurture is also a major factor is undeniable.

"Myostatin has a dramatic effect on muscles, and a lack of it causes someone to have twice the muscle mass of someone who possesses the gene. Genes such as myostatin have the greatest impact on the strength of an athlete. 

It would take extreme dedication, long hours of training, and clean eating in order to even come close to obtaining the same muscle mass of an athlete who does not possess myostatin"

A “golden” athlete cannot succeed, like any other athlete, without practice and dedication, both of which fall under the catagory of nurture. 

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